Data Protection and General Data Protection Regulation
Business transactions are made electronically and personal information is cached digitally. Customers are more serious about their privacy, and less likely to engage companies without stringent data protection policies and robust security systems in place to protect their personal information.
AVLA Business Services specialize in data protection governance and compliance. We provide:
Data Protection Officer (DPO) support services
Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA)
Intensive staff training for increased awareness; also, embedding a data protection culture and appropriate prevention and response mechanisms
Mapping organizational data flows and compiling GDPR compliance records
Data retention, disposal and record management (paper and electronic)
Supporting data breach investigations and action planning
Processing of Data Subject Access Requests, including document redaction
Drafting policy and procedures in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements
Why is compliance important?
- To maintain corporate and social responsibility
- To avoid financial penalties or compensation claims
Services are delivered remotely or onsite and are adapted to the needs of your organization.